How to Create Coupon Code in WordPress Website

Coupon is one of the best and highest-converting ways to increase your affiliate’s sales. The possibility of a coupon code website is infinite.

You can use it to promote your products, and services or even use it as a marketing tool for other businesses.

However, creating a customizable coupon code is difficult for most WordPress beginners. Don’t worry, In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to create a coupon code in your WordPress website easily.

Also, helps you to add a lot of premium features to your coupon code, like Hide coupon code features, affiliates links open in a new tab, or displaying a pop-up window on coupon code click.

What is a Coupon Code

A coupon code, also known as a promotional code, is a unique set of characters offered by businesses. These codes provide customers with discounts or special offers when purchasing products or services.

Mostly found in e-commerce, these codes can be applied during the checkout process. Upon entering a valid code, the total cost is adjusted accordingly, offering immediate savings.

The primary purpose of issuing such codes is to encourage purchases, stimulate customer loyalty, and increase brand awareness. They also help in tracking promotional efforts to see what works best.

And if you’re Digital Marketer then a coupon code is a powerful tool in your arsenal. It can attract potential customers, increase sales and revenue, and even help you partner with other businesses for cross-promotion opportunities.

How to Create Coupon Code in WordPress Website

Creating a coupon code on the WordPress website is a simple process, and lots of coupon code plugins are available in the market, which help you to create a coupon code on your WordPress website or a coupon website.

There are several WordPress coupon code plugins available such as a Plus addon for Elementor, WP coupon & deals, Affiliate Coupon and more. WP Coupon & deals, and Affiliates Coupons allow you to create coupon codes for free (Now coupon code hidden features are available).

But if you want to get the best coupon code plugin with high customization features, then the Plus Addon For Elementor Will be the perfect one for you.

The reason behind the higher popularity of the Plus addon for Elementor Pro is its highly customizable features, 5 coupon code templates, 5 copy code styles, and thousands of customization options. And the best part is, it’s very affordable to start with.

Install Plus Addon For Elementor Pro

To create a Coupon Code website or a Coupon code feature on your WordPress website, you need to go with the Premium plan of Plus Addon For Elementor. But their premium plan is required to install their free plugin.

Intall the Plus Addon For Elementor

So, firstly you need to log in on your WordPress dashboard and go to Add New plugin. And then you need to search for, “The Plus Addons for Elementor” plugin. After finding the Plus Addons for Elementor by POSIMYTH, you need to click on the Install Now button, and then click on the Active button.

Pricing Plan

After installing the plugin, you also need to install their premium plugin. To install their premium plugin, you need to the page and select your plan. As mentioned earlier, you need to go with the premium plugin if you want to get some of and most important premium features like Reveal coupon code, and Affiliates link open in a reverse tab.

Your one-time investment will increase your revenue by up to 60%-80%. So, it’s valuable to consider their premium plan.

Activate Your License Key

After purchasing the Plus Addon For Elementor Premium, you need to install their premium plugin, as you install other premium plugins.

First, you need to go to Add New plugin, then upload their premium plugin, click on the Install Now button then activate it.

License Key

After activating the plugin, you need to go to The Plus Options from your WordPress dashboard. After that, you will find the Activate section. Here you can insert your Licensekey and click on the Activate button.

Widget Section

And then you need to click on the Widget, to activate the coupon code features.

Active Coupon Code

Coupon Code

After coming to the Widgets section, you need to search for, “Coupon Code.” After you find the coupon code, click on the activate button to get the coupon code features on your WordPress website.

how to create coupon code in wordPress

To create a coupon code, you need to open a new post/page, or an existing post/page.

Search Coupon Code On Elementor

After opening a post or page, you need to search for “Coupon Code”, after finding the coupon code drag and drop the coupon code on your WordPress page or posts.

Then you need to follow a few basic customization rules:

Coupon Type

Coupon Type

Plus Addon allows their user to create four types of coupon codes, such as Standard, Peel, Scratch, and Slide Out. But for a website owner, your perfect coupon code type is standard. So you need to keep it as default.

Standard Style

Standard Style

Plus Addon offers 5 different styles for their coupon code, but my personal opinion is 2, and the 5 number style is the best, and trending.

Redirect Link

This link means that the user will be redirected after clicking on your coupon code. In this place, you need to paste your affiliate link.

Copy Code Style & Coupon Code

Copy Code Style & Coupon Code

Plus Addon allows 5 types of Copy code styles, but all of them are almost similar so you can go with anyone from this 5 style.

Then the coupon code, it’s one of the most important for a coupon code. In this box, you need to paste the best coupon code for a specific website.

Select Action


You’ll see the select action is by default Click, you need to change to Popup. When you visitors click on the show code button, then your coupon code will appear as a popup.

Tab Reverse

Reverse Tab

Tab Reverse is the most important part of a coupon code, which means when your visitor clicks on the show code button, then your affiliate link will open automatically in a Reverse Tab.

These all are the required customization options that you need to follow while creating a coupon code.

Plus Addon for Elementor Coupon code features have a lot of advanced options for customization. But in this post, I try to cover all the essential features that you need to follow while creating a coupon code.

Benefits of Creating a Coupon Website

The benefits of creating a coupon code to promote affiliate offers are limitless. But, still, some of the most valuable and important benefits are given below:

  • Increase in sales: Coupon codes are a great way to entice customers to purchase by offering them discounts.
  • Attract new customers: With enticing coupon code offers, you can attract new customers who might not have come across your website before.
  • Increase customer loyalty: By providing discounts and special offers through coupon codes, you can increase customer loyalty and retention.
  • Generate more traffic: Coupon codes can help generate more traffic to your website as people are always looking for ways to save money while shopping online.
  • Boost brand visibility: With the right marketing strategies, using coupon codes can also boost your brand visibility and recognition.


Plus Addon For Elementor is the best plugin to create and display coupon codes on your WordPress website. With its user-friendly interface and numerous customization options, you can easily create attractive and effective coupon codes to promote your affiliate offers.

By investing in their premium plan, you can unlock more features that will ultimately help increase your revenue and grow your business.

Also, there are a lot of other coupon code plugins available in the market. And some of the coupon codes are offers to create a coupon code for free. But none of the free plans offer hidden coupon code features, and the Reverse link is open. These two features are the most important for a coupon code, that’s why we recommend Plus Addon For Elementor to you.

So, don’t wait any longer and start using Plus Addon For Elementor today to take your affiliate marketing game to the next level!

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