How to Fix the “Currently Unable To Handle This Request”

After updating a WordPress theme/plugin or WordPress core file, sometimes you may see “HTTP error 500 | Website is Currently Unable To Handle This Request” This kind of error message is on your WordPress websites.

This isn’t a big problem for a WordPress website. You must fix this by following 3 easy steps.

If you’re already facing this kind of error on your WordPress website, then don’t worry. In today’s article, we’ll share with you, how you can fix the “HTTP error 500 | Website is Currently Unable To Handle This Request” error.

If you’re a WordPress user, or your site is run with WordPress then maybe you can see this kind of error on your website.

Behind Website is currently unable to handle this request error, There could be many reasons like plugins, themes, .htaccess file, or WordPress core file crashes.

Most of the time this error appears, after updating your WordPress site plugins, themes, or WordPress core file.

If your WordPress site is facing an “HTTP error 500 | Website is Currently Unable To Handle This Request” error. Then you don’t need to panic.

In today’s article, we’ll provide you with the perfect solution to fix this error.

Video Tutorial To Fix HTTP error 500

How to fix HTTP error 500 | Website is Currently Unable To Handle This Request?

To fix this kind of error, we’ll go with 3 different solutions. We are sure if you follow those 3 solutions perfectly then you can easily fix this error by yourself. And you don’t need to hire an expert to fix this error for you.

Here’s a quick overview of your 3 solutions:

Solution 1: Restore the default .htaccess file.

Solution 2: Check plugins & Themes

Solution 3: Replace the WordPress core file with a new one.

Note: To make any changes to your file manager area, you must create & download your website backup.

Solution 1: Restore the default .htaccess file.

In this way, you need to restore the default .htaccess file.

To complete this process you need to log in to your website file manager area. If you’re using Hostinger then you need to log in on your hPanel. Or if you use others hosting providers, then in this case you need to log in on your website cPanel. 

For Hostinger you need to log on to your website hPanel:, and login to your website cPanel you need to search Then you’ll log on to your website hPanel or cPanel.

After logging cPanel or hPanel, you need to search for your File Manager.


Then you need to log in to your website Public_html. After login public_html, you need to search for the .htaccess file.

WP Content

After finding the .htacces file you need to edit the file.

Open .htaccess file

After opening the .htaccess file to edit, then you need to get the default .htaccess file. 

To get the default .htaccess file you need to search “default .htaccess file” on your browser. Or you can easily find the file through this link “Get .htaccess

Default .htaccess file

After going to the link you need to copy the default .htaccess code and paste it on your .htaccess file.

Save .htaccess file

After pasting the code on your .htaccess file, save the file. 

Now the time come to check your website. So you need to go to your website to check if your site is working or not. 

If this solution doesn’t work for you need to go with the next solution.

Solution 2: Check plugins & Themes

 Sometimes “HTTP error 500 | Website is Currently Unable To Handle This Request” error can be happen for crash a WordPress theme or Plugin. 

To check all the plugins and themes, you need to log in to your File Manager again. Then you need to enter public_html and find the wp-content folder.

WP Content

After entering the wp-content folder, you’ll find the Plugins and the Themes folder.

Open WP Content

To the Plugins and Themes are working or not, you need to rename the Plugins and Themes folder name.

But I recommend you check the Plugins and Themes all by one.

Rename Plugins

To check whether all the plugins are working perfectly or not, we rename the plugins folder to plugins-old. After renaming the plugins folder, if the error is gone then you can be sure that your site is crash for a plugin problem.

Then you need to rename the plugins folder as before and enter your plugins folder. After entering the plugins folder, you need to check all the plugins all by one to find the problem of cheating plugins. 

If your site is still showing the error, then you need to check your website themes, by changing the themes name.

Rename Themes

After changing the theme name, you need to check your website by reloading the site. If it still shows the error. Then you can be sure that, your website themes and plugins are working fine. 

After checking the plugins and themes, you need to rename the plugins and themes folder as before.

Solution 3: Replace the WordPress core file with a new one.

If before 2 solution doesn’t work for you, then you can fix the error in this solution. 

In this step, we’re going to replace all the WordPress files and folders with new ones. You don’t need to worry about losing any of your content or breaking your website structure.

Step 1: Delete WordPress Corrupted Files & Folder

In this step, you need to delete all the corrupted files and folders. Remember that, you don’t delete the wp-content folder, .htaccess & wp-config.php file. 

Delete Old file

You need to keep those 3 files and folders and delete all the other files and folders.

Step 2: Download Fresh WordPress

In this step, you need to download WordPress. To do this, you need to go to

After coming to this page, you need to click Get WordPress Button. After clicking on the Get WordPress Button you’ll be redirected to another page.

WordPress download page

When you come to this page you’ll see WordPress’s current running version to download. 

Then you need to click Download WordPress 6.3.1 Button.

After clicking on this button, WordPress will download on your PC

Step 3: Ready WordPress for Upload

After downloading WordPress you’ll find this kind of Zip file on your PC’s selected download folder.

WordPress Zip

After extracting the zip file you’ll find another folder called WordPress.

Extract Wor

Then you need to enter in the WordPress folder.

Open WordPress

After entering the folder, you need to delete the folder “wp-content” from the WordPress folder.

After deleting the wp-content folder, you need to zip all the folders and files again.

Create zip file

After completing the process you’ll find the zip file in the WordPress folder.

Looks after create zip

Step 4: Upload New WordPress files and folders

In this last step, you need to upload the new zip folder on your WordPress file manager.

Upload zip

After uploading the new zip file, you need to extract the file again.

Extract zip on File manager

After extracting the zip file, you’ll see that all the previous files come to your file manager. Now you can delete the zip file from your cPanel manager. 

Now it’s time to check your website. After reloading your website, you’ll see your website is working perfectly


We hope that these 3 solutions will help you to fix the “HTTP error 500 | Website is Currently Unable To Handle This Request” issue.

If you want more advanced solutions then we recommend you to hire an experienced WordPress developer. They will solve this issue for you in no time.

Don’t forget to share your experience with us after fixing this error. We would love to hear from you how you fixed this issue with the help of our guide.

If you want to learn more about WordPress issues and solutions then please subscribe to our blog. We always share helpful WordPress-related articles, tips, and tricks on our blog.

Thanks for reading!

Happy Blogging!

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