How To Create a WordPress Temporary Login Without Password

WordPress temporary login is a helpful feature that allows someone to log in on your WordPress admin without an Email or Password.

Sometimes, that can be very lifesaver when you need to give someone temporary access to your website admin panel for troubleshooting or other purposes.

Login WordPress without Email and Password provides someone a secure way to grant access without sharing sensitive login information.

WordPress temporary login features help the site owner hide their custom login URL, Email, And Password.

In today’s article, we’ll help you create a temporary WordPress login without a password.

What is WordPress Temporary Login?

A WordPress temporary login is a life-saving feature that offers a one-time or short-term access route to your WordPress website’s backend without requiring the usual login credentials. It also allows you to provide just-in-time access for specific durations, after which the access is automatically revoked.

This feature is helpful when you need external assistance for your WordPress website, perhaps from a developer or a support agent. Still, you are hesitant to disclose your permanent login credentials.

By creating a temporary login, you can grant them the necessary access without compromising your website’s security, thus ensuring the integrity of your site’s sensitive data.

The temporary login also comes with a layer of customizable permissions, meaning you can control what sections of your website the quick user can access. You can preset the user role (Administrator, Editor, Author, Affiliates, Subscriber, User) from the temporary login.

WordPress temporary login Video Tutorial

How to create a WordPress temporary login?

If you want to add a temporary login for your WordPress website, follow the following steps. This process will help you to create a WordPress quick login without Email and password easily.

Step 1: Install A WordPress plugin

Add New Plugin

To start the process, log in on your website Admin panel. Then, you need to install a WordPress plugin. So you need to click Plugin -> Add New, then search for a plugin called “Temporary Login Without Password.” 

When the Temporary Login Without Password plugin appears to you, then click on the Install Now button.

Step 2: Activate the plugin

Activate Plugin

After completing the plugin installation, you need to click on the Active button, and then the plugin will be ready.

Step 3: Go to the plugin settings

Plugin Setting

After installing and activating the plugin, an extra feature has been added to your user section. So you need to click on Users -> Temporary logins. Then, the plugin setting will open, and click on the Create New Button.

Step 4: Create a WordPress temporary login

Temporary Logins

Then you’ll come to this page. Now you need to provide an Email (Required), First Name, Last Name, Select the Role (Administrator, Editor, Subscriber, User), Redirect after login (Dashboard, Home Page, or custom page), Expire date of the WordPress Temporary login and click the submit button.

Step 5: Save your Temporary login link

Copy WordPress Login Link

After creating your WordPress admin temporary login link, you need to save the link for future use.

How to Edit The WordPress Temporary Login Link

Edit Link

This plugin allows you to edit the link after creating the Temporary login link on your WordPress website. To edit the link, you need to click on the pencil icon.

Edit Temporary Logins

Then you can change anything on the Temporary login like Email, expiration date, Role, etc.

The benefit of using WordPress temporary login

There are several benefits to using WordPress temporary login, such as:

  1. Increased website security: By creating a temporary login instead of sharing your permanent login details, you can ensure that only authorized individuals can access your website’s admin panel.
  2. Easy revocation of access: With a temporary login, you don’t have to worry about changing your password or deleting the user account once the quick access is no longer needed. The access will automatically be revoked after the specified time period.
  3. Customizable permissions: You can control what sections of your website the temporary user can access, ensuring they only have access to the necessary areas.
  4. No need for password sharing: Using a temporary login, you don’t have to share sensitive information like Email and passwords with individuals who only need quick access to your website.
  5. Improved collaboration: The temporary login feature allows for easy and secure collaboration with external parties, such as developers or support agents, without compromising the security of your website.


In conclusion, WordPress temporary login is an essential feature that offers a convenient and secure way to grant quick access to your website’s admin panel.

Following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily create a temporary login without compromising your website’s security.

So, next time, if you need to provide temporary access to someone for your WordPress website, use the quick login feature instead of sharing your permanent login details.

It is highly recommended for website owners to take advantage of this feature for a more secure and efficient website management experience.

Additional Tips for Website Security

In addition to using WordPress temporary login, here are a few tips to further enhance your website’s security:

  • Regularly update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins.
  • Use strong and unique passwords for your WordPress admin access.
  • Limit login attempts with a plugin like Limit Login Attempts Reloaded.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for added security.
  • Install a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri Security, which offers malware scanning and firewall protection features.
  • Back up your website regularly to ensure you have a recent copy in case of security breaches.

By following these tips and utilizing the WordPress temporary login feature, you can significantly improve the security of your website and protect it from potential threats. Stay safe online!

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