How To Change WordPress Admin URL

Do you want to Change WordPress Admin URL? Change WP Admin URL is an effortless task you can complete in two ways. 

Changing the WordPress login URL is essential because it helps you to protect your website from motif**. If you create your website with WordPress CMS, your default login address will be & For this reason, most people know about the WordPress Admin URL. If you change your WordPress website admin URL, you can access your website admin URL, and if they try to find your website admin URL by typing, they will be redirected to your website 404 page.

In this tutorial, we’ll teach you how to change your WordPress website admin URL without and without a plugin.

Why do You need To Change Your WordPress Login URL?

A WordPress website login page is the most important page for the site owner. By default, the WordPress Login page URL is “” This default URL is well-known, and attackers can easily find it by adding “/wp-login.php” to the end of your site’s URL.

If a hacker knows about a website admin URL, they use automated scripts to launch brute-force attacks on your WordPress website login page. Those Brute-force attacks try to guess your username and password by repeatedly submitting various combinations of characters. This process can allow the hacker to access your WordPress website admin area. 

If you change your WordPress website admin URL, then it isn’t easy to access your WordPress Website admin area. If you change your WordPress Login area, no one can access your website admin page, and you can’t send brute force attacks on your website admin page. 

Furthermore, changing your WordPress login URL can also help you to:

  • Improve your website’s security by adding an extra layer of protection to your login page.
  • Prevent brute-force attacks on your login page, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your site.
  • Customize your website’s branding by using a custom login page that aligns with your site’s design and messaging.
  • Control who can access your site’s backend by limiting access to your custom login URL.

Overall, changing your WordPress login URL is a simple and effective way to enhance your website’s security and protect your site from potential attacks. 

Video Tutorial

How to Change WordPress Login URL Without Plugin

If you want to Change WordPress Admin URL, then two steps will help you change your website admin URL. You can also change the Admin URL with a WordPress Plugin. But In this step, we’re going without a plugin. If you want to use a plugin to Change WP Admin URL, you can skip this step. Or if you want to learn new skills, you can go with this step.

Step 1. Login On Your Hosting cPanel

To Begin with, this step, log in on your website cPanel. You can enter your website cPanel by typing on any browser if your hostinger provider doesn’t allow their user to access their cPanel by typing /cPanel after their domain name. Then you need to access on cPanel from your Hosting Panel.

Login to Your cPanel

Step 2. Access The File Manager From Your cPanel

When you enter on hosting cPanel or other control areas then firstly you need to find your website file manager section. If your hosting company provides the cPanel access you need to click on the file manager from your Hosting cPanel. Then maybe you’ll see public_html or, if you find then you need to just click on, or if you don’t find then you need to click on the public_html to find When you click then you’ll the something like this.

Step 3. Download the Login wp-login.php file

Download Login PHP file

When you’ve access to your website file manager area, then you need to select the wp-login.php file and then click on the download button. Then the wp-login.php file will be downloaded on your pc.

Step 4. Edit wp-login text

Edit Login PHP file

When you download the wp-login.php file, you need to edit the file. You can edit the file with any editor. After opening the file with any editor, you need to replace the wp-login text with other text to which you want to login to. Then save the file and exit the editor.

Step 5. Rename the file name

Rename Login PHP File

After successfully editing the wp-login file name, you need to rename the file. For this tutorial, I’m renaming the file as new-login.php. 

Step 6. Upload the new login file to your File Manager

When you rename the file, you must upload the new file to the same place on your website file manager. 

Step 7. Register New Login File

Once you have uploaded your new login file, the next step is to register its URL using the “login_url” filter hook.

With this function, you can make any page containing a login form your login page. For instance, you can create a “coming soon” page and use a login form to enable registered users to log in.

To get started, open your theme functions file and insert the code below:

 * Change WP Login file URL using "login_url" filter hook
add_filter( 'login_url', 'custom_login_url', PHP_INT_MAX );
function custom_login_url( $login_url ) {
$login_url = site_url( 'wp-new-signin.php', 'login' );
    return $login_url;
Once you have inserted the code, save the file and proceed to the next step.

Step 8. Test The New login URL And Delete the Previous File

If you complete the above 7 steps perfectly then this step is for you. In this step, you need to delete the old wp-login file to activate the new login file.

How To Change WP Admin URL In WordPress Without Plugin

Change WP Admin URL is quite easy if you use a plugin that changes your site admin URL. If you don’t want to go with hesitation, you can use a plugin to Change the WordPress Admin URL. To change the admin URL, you need to follow this step:

Step 1. Login on your WordPress Dashboard

WordPress Plugin Search

If you want to change the WP Admin URL with the help of a plugin, then to begin with, you need to log in to your WordPress dashboard and click on the plugin from the left side.

Step 2. Search For WPS Hide Login Plugin

When you click “Add New,” you’ll see this on your WordPress Admin panel. Then you need to search for a plugin called “WPS Hide Login.” And click on the install button.

Search WPS login Plugin

When you click on the install button after installing the plugin you need to click on the Activate Button.

Step 3. Activated The Plugin And Go to The Plugin Setting

After activating the plugin, you need to click on the Setting >> WPS Hide Login.

WPS Plugin Setting

Step 4. Change The Admin URL

Change Login URL

In this step, you need to Change the WordPress Admin URL, when you input the text on this input box then your admin URL will be like this:

Step 5. Save the Changes

This is the last step for How To Change WP Admin URL in this step you don’t need to do anything. Just save the change and test your New Admin URL

Tips for securing the WordPress admin area

Use a strong password: One of the best to secure your website is by using a strong pass. If you don’t know how to create a strong password, then you can use this password generator website: 

Limit login attempts: You also need to set login attempts on your WordPress website. If you are a user trying to log in to your website with the wrong username or password, then the user will be blocked automatically.

WordFence Security Plugin

You can use the Wordfence Security plugin the use login attempts.

Install a security plugin: If you install the Wordfence Security plugin, you don’t need to install another one for extra security.

Keep WordPress and plugins up-to-date: All the plugins, when it comes with new updates then they try to fix every bug on their latest update. So you need to try to update all the WordPress plugins and themes.

Use SSL/HTTPS: SSL certificate provides you with an extra layer of security. But most of the hosting company doesn’t provide the SSL certificate for free. If you need an SSL certificate for free then use Hostinger Web hosting company. Read: Hostinger Review: Features, Pricing & More


Change WordPress Admin URL is one of the most essential things for WordPress Website Owners. If you change your website Admin panel URL then no one can get access to your website admin area. So your website will be secure from a hacker or any kind of attack. 

The above content, I already share with you how you can Change WordPress Admin URL in two different ways. If you’re a newbie in WordPress then you can go with a plugin to change your WordPress Admin panel URL. Or if you want to learn something different then you can go with the first one, the wp-login.php file.

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