How to Backup WordPress Website

Backup is one of the most important tasks for website owners, backups help you to avoid any data loss and restore your website in case of any technical difficulties.

There are a lot of ways available to create a backup for your WordPress website. If you’re using the most popular web hosting companies like Hostinger, then you don’t need to worry about it. They do it for you.

But if you’re one of those, whose web hosting providers don’t offer free backup, then this tutorial is for you.

Today, I’ll teach you how to backup WordPress website, and how to set automatic backup, also instant backup for free. So, let’s start the tutorial.

Why Backup is Important for WordPress Website?

Backups are critical for WordPress websites for security reasons. They ensure your data is preserved even in the face of website threats.

Loss of data can lead to significant downtime, affecting your site’s credibility and user experience. Backups help mitigate these risks by providing a quick recovery solution.

Regular backups also allow for the safe update of themes, plugins, and WordPress core. This practice ensures compatibility without risking data loss or site functionality.

Lastly, backups act as insurance against human errors. Accidental deletions or modifications can be swiftly reversed, maintaining the integrity of your website.

How to Backup WordPress Website

Now let’s dive into the steps for backing up your WordPress website.

Step 1: Install & Activate WPvivid Plugin

To create a backup of our WordPress website, we need to install a plugin on our WordPress website.  At first, you need to hover over to the “Plugins” and click on the “Add New” option.

Install & Activate WPvivid

Next, search for the WPvivid plugin in the search bar located at the top-right corner of your dashboard. Once found, click on the “Install Now” button and then hit on the “Activate” button.

After installing and activating the WPvivid plugin, jump to our next step of WPvivid configuration to avoid any hassles during the backup process.

Step 2: Configure Backup Setting

After installing and activating the WPvivid plugin, you need to configure a few settings to avoid errors while creating or restoring a backup.

WPvivid Advance Setting

After going to the plugin setting, you need to click on Setting and then click Advance Setting.

Increase Value

Now you need to increase the value of the PHP script execution timeout for backup, PHP Memory Limit for backup, PHP script execution timeout for restore, and PHP Memory Limit for restoration. You need to add 0 after the current value.

This will help to avoid any errors during the backup and restore process. And lastly don’t forget to Save the changes.

Step 3: Connect With Remote Storage

Then your next step is to add a remote storage to the WPvivid Plugin. Remote Storage is a cloud storage like Google Drive, Dropbox, and FTP server where you can store your backup files.

After that, go to the plugin menu and click on Remote Storage. Here you will see all the available remote storages with their respective settings.

Then you need to choose your preferred remote storage and follow the instructions to connect it to your WordPress website.

Google Drive

But for this tutorial, I’m going with Google Drive. So, I need to click on the “Authenticate with Google Drive” button.

Choose your Google Account

Once you click the button, it will redirect you to a Google account selection page. Here, choose your Google account where you want to store your backup files.

Step 4: Create backup With WPvivid Plugin

After completing all of the previous steps, you’re ready to go with creating your first backup with WPvivid Plugin.

WPvivid plugin allows you to create a backup in two different ways, you can schedule a backup or create an instant backup.

How to Create a Schedule Backup With WPvivid

Schedule backup

If you want to schedule your backup, then you need to go to the plugin setting and then click on Schedule.

Now need to enable the backup, choose the time when your backup will be created, and lastly choose Database + Files (WordPress Files). After doing all of the changes click on the Save Button.

Congratulations, you have successfully created a scheduled backup. Now your website will automatically create a backup at the time and frequency you selected.

How to Create an Instant Backup With WPvivid

Backup Now

If you want to create an instant backup, then you need to click on the plugin menu. Then click on Backup and Restore.

Now select your preferred backup method, Database + Files (WordPress Files) or WordPress Files (Exclude Database) Only. Lastly, click on Backup Now button.

Your website will take some time to create the backup depending on your website size and then download it to your remote storage.

Congratulations, you have successfully created an instant backup with WPvivid Plugin.

Step 5: Restore Backup With WPvivid Plugin

If you want to restore your website from a previous backup, then follow these simple steps:


Firstly, go to the plugin menu and click on Backup & Restore. Here you will see a list of all your previous backups, along with the backup date and time.

Select the desired backup you want to restore and click on the Restore button. This will start the restoration process, and your website will be restored to its previous state.

Please note that this process might take some time depending on the size of your backup files. Once it’s done, you will receive a notification confirming the successful restoration.

Congratulations! You have successfully backed up and restored your WordPress website using the WPvivid Plugin.

Remember to regularly schedule backups to ensure the safety and security of your website’s data.  So, even in the case of any unfortunate event, you can quickly recover your website without any hassle.


You can backup and restore your WordPress website for free using the WPvivid Plugin. This plugin allows you to schedule backups, create instant backups, and easily restore your website from a previous backup.

No, WordPress does not have a built-in backup feature. You will need to use a backup plugin like WPvivid to back up your website.

You can back up and migrate your WordPress site using the WPvivid Plugin. This plugin allows you to create a backup and transfer it to a new website or server with just a few clicks.

The best way to backup WordPress is by using a reliable backup plugin like WPvivid. It offers various options for backing up and restoring your website, ensuring the safety and security of your data.

You need to back up all your WordPress files, including the database, themes, plugins, media files, and any other custom files or directories you may have added to your website. This ensures a complete backup of your website in case of any unfortunate events.

Yeah! However it is always recommended to take a backup of your website before updating WordPress, themes, or plugins. This can help you easily restore your website in case any issue arises during the update process.


Hope this tutorial provides you with the best solution to backup and restore your WordPress website for free using the WPvivid Plugin.

You can also back up your website manually, but it requires technical knowledge and can be a time-consuming process. Therefore, using a reliable backup plugin is always the best option to ensure the safety of your website’s data. 

Also, there are a lot of backup plugins available in the WordPress plugin repository such as Solid Backups, UpdraftPlus, BlogVault, and Duplicator. But WPvivid is trusted by thousands of users and offers advanced features like one-click migration, backup encryption, and more.

And lastly, if you need any help or have any questions, feel free to comment or contact us. We will be happy to assist you.

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