How To Migrate WordPress Site to New Domain 2024

Website migration is a common occurrence for businesses and individuals looking to expand their online presence.

There are several reason why someone might want to migrate their WordPress site to a new domain, such as rebranding, buying a more relevant domain name, or simply moving to a better hosting provider.

If you currently have a WordPress site and are planning to move it to a new domain, this guide will provide you with all the necessary steps to successfully migrate your site.

In today’s guide tutorial, I’ll help how you can migrate WordPress site to new domain. And this migration process doesn’t take more than 5 to 10 minutes.

So, Without wasting your time, let’s get started!

What is Migrate WordPress Site to New Domain?

Migrating a WordPress site to a new domain involves transferring all your site’s data to a different domain name. This process is necessary when rebranding or upgrading to a more relevant web address.

Today, we’re illustrating this process by moving a site from to This change requires careful planning and execution to ensure no data loss.

The migration includes transferring files, databases, and configurations without affecting the site’s operational integrity. It’s a strategic step towards aligning the site with its new brand identity or market focus.

Completing this migration enhances your site’s relevance and can significantly impact its online presence. Our guide aims to simplify this process, providing a clear and organized method for a seamless transition.

How To Migrate WordPress Site to New Domain

How To Migrate WordPress Site to New Domain

Previous Look

As you see, this is the previous look image of our two websites. And we’ll migrate the first website to the second one without losing any data and configuration.

Add Your Heading Text Here

Install & Activate WPvivid

The first step is to install and activate the WPvivid plugin on your WordPress site. This plugin is designed to make website migration easier and more efficient. To install the WPvivid plugin you need to hover on Plugins and then click on Add New Plugin.

After opening the WordPress plugin directory you need to search for “Migration, Backup, Staging – WPvivid” in the search box. Then you’ll find the WPvivid plugin and click on the Install Now button to get started. After completing the installation process you need to click on the Activate button button.

Step 2: Generate Migration Key

After installing the WPvivid plugin, you need to generate a migration key.

Key Generate

Remember you need to generate a key on the 2nd website, where you need to migrate your website.

To generate the key you need to go to the WPvivid plugin setting, and then click on the key. After coming to the key section you’ll find Generate button. WPvivid also allows to setting auto expired key timer. If you want to set this, then you can.

And then click on the Generate Button. Then it’ll automatically generate a key phrase.

Step 3: Auto-Migration

Auto Migration

After generating the key on the second website, you need to copy the key and come to the first website. To go to the main website you also need to go to the WPvivid plugin setting, and then click on Auto-Migration.

Then you need to paste your key and click on the save button.

Clone then transfer

After clicking on the save button, you need to choose the content you want to transfer. If you want to migrate your whole website without losing any data, then tick on the Database + Files (WordPress Files).

And then click on the Clone then transfer button. Then the Auto-Migration process will start and within a few minutes, your site Auto-Migration process will completed.

Step 4: Migrate WordPress Site to New Domain

Backup & Restore

In this step, you need to go to the second website again and then go to the WPvivid plugin setting, and then click Backup & Restore from the header.

After the Backup & Restore section you scroll down, then you’ll see a backup is created. But if you didn’t see any backup there just refresh the page.

The backup file will show up with the Name and time.

Then you need to click on the Restore button.

Restore site

And again you need to click on the Restore button.

Migrate WordPress website to new domain

Then your first website will be transferred to the second website. And you successfully migrate the WordPress site to new domain.

Final Look

This is how your final look will be after completing the process.


You can move your WordPress site to another domain by using the WordPress most popular WPvivid plugin.

You can change the domain of your WordPress site by migrating your website to a new domain using the WPvivid plugin.

You can redirect your WordPress site to a new domain by following the steps in our guide. After completing the migration process, you can set up redirects from your old domain to the new one using plugins like Redirection or Simple 301 Redirects.

You can redirect your WordPress site to a new domain by following the steps in our guide. After completing the migration process, you can set up redirects from your old domain to the new one using plugins like Redirection or Simple 301 Redirects.

You can easily transfer your website to a new domain by using the WPvivid plugin. Follow our guide for a step-by-step process on how to migrate your WordPress site to a new domain without any data loss or configuration issues.

To move WordPress to a new domain without losing SEO, it’s essential to set up proper redirects from the old domain to the new one. This ensures that search engines can still find and index your content under the new domain. Using plugins like Redirection or Simple 301 Redirects can help with this process.

Yeah! Moving domain can have an impact on SEO. It’s crucial to properly redirect your old domain to the new one and update any internal links in your content to maintain good SEO practices. Otherwise, you may experience a temporary drop in rankings and traffic until search engines reindex your site under the new domain.


Hope this tutorial will help you to easily migrate your WordPress site to a new domain without any data loss or configuration issues.

By following the steps using the WPvivid plugin, you can efficiently transfer your website to a new domain without affecting its online presence.

Remember, if you have a good amount of traffic and user engagement on your site, it’s best to hire a professional after completing your migration process. Because you need to do a few SEO and technical tasks to rank your website on search engines after the migration process.

Lastly, if you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to share it with others who might be looking to migrate their WordPress site to a new domain. If you’ve any more questions, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance. We’re always happy to help!

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